Talks and presentations

Invited talks

May 2024Université De Lorraineecorated Tree-like structures for singular dynamicsAn interactive field approach to the stochastic sine-Gordon model}{Department of mathematics
May 2024Université De bretagne OccidentaleRencontre ANR 2024An interactive field approach to the stochastic sine-Gordon model}{Department of mathematics
April 2024University of Potsdam Convergence results in the stochastic sine-Gordon model: An algebraic viewpoint
December 2022University of Genova Stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equation from an algebraic and microlocal viewpoint
December 2022University of Trento Stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equation, an algebraic point of view
October 2022University of Trento Algebraic formulation of the SDE-Path integral correspondence

Contributed talks

July 2024Saint-Flour, France52th Probability Summer SchoolA quantum field theory perspective on singular stochastic PDEs
December 2023Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut OberwolfachArbeitsgemeinschaft: QFT and Stochastic PDEH¨older-Besov spaces and space-time white noise
September 2023University of PaviaEnd-of-year seminarsWhat if Quantum Field Theory meets complex systems?
September 2022University of PaviaEnd-of-year seminarsA complex world
September 2022RavelloXLVII Summer school on mathematical physics - GNFMA microlocal and algebraic approach to SPDEs